IWD Inspire Inclusion E-Book

What inspires me?

Jennifer Miles Global Account Director North Carolina, USA

Samantha Vilela Alcântara Legal Director, LATAM & DPO Brazil São Paulo, Brazil The relentless courage and unwavering determination of women who came before me, challenged stereotypes, broke barriers, and paved the way for a more inclusive future are my inspiration. As a mother of a 10-year-old boy, as a regional leader and former sponsor of the WIN Chapter in Brazil, I am committed to driving gender equality not only within the company, but beyond. By championing diversity and inclusivity, we are not only rewriting the narrative in the workplace today but also sowing the seeds of change for generations to come.

Ngina Deshields Director, Asset Services New Jersey, USA

What inspires me is the perseverance and tenacity of my parents, even to this day. My father ran healthcare facilities throughout Brooklyn, and my mom refused to leave the classroom. I am definitely a product of them, down to my name. They purposely chose a name that means one who serves with love. They have created big shoes for me to fill.

Learning and adding value. One of my favorite sayings is, “I learn something new every day.” If I’m not learning, I’m not growing. I also need to be making a difference or adding value. If I’m not, what’s the point?


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