Sentosa Cove

CASE STUDY OF SUCCESSFUL CMMS ONBOARDING JTC properties at Western part of Singapore (GFA ~850,000 sqm spanning across >20 sites) C&W has recently onboarded our CMMS for a major JTC account in 2023. On top of implementing the CMMS, C&W were also required to integrate our CMMS to JTC’s Job Management Module (JMM) system with real-time bi-directional integration that can transmit key work order (WO) information for end-user consumption (such as name, contact information, and work location). Through our integration platform, C&W’s Operational Data were integrated with JTC’s systems via an industry standard web service API. For end-to-end integration, the platform allows to implement multiple options for connecting to client systems, which include:

• Daily SFTP based data dump • Web API based data push/pull

Throughout the whole onboarding journey, our C&W mobilisation team worked closely with our JTC counterparts at key milestones to refine and adjust the timeline to ensure a smooth onboarding. Maintaining open and constant communication between both parties was key to success in the onboarding process.

Onboarding Timeline for JTC

JMM-OTD/FDD Integration Go Live Energy Monitoring Systems Go Live Analytics Dashboards Platform Go Live

Fire & Safety App Ready

Contract Award Initiate Project & Programme

E-Watts Ready Estate Mgt. App Ready E-PTW Ready FAMIS 360 Go Live

ROC Go Live JMM-OTD/FDD Integration Begins

PowerBI Visualization Dashboards Go Live

Contract Commence






OTD/FDD Deployed

UAT Performed




Configuration Training

Cleaning Platform Setup

CCTV AI Platform Setup

Software Setup

M&E IoTs* Setup

Toilet IoTs Setup Training

ROC Setup

Back-end Integration


Project Setup

Data Collection Data Loading

Continuous Review of Technology Solutions



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