DATA SCIENCE APPROACH DEFINING WHERE CLIENTS NEED TO BE We help clients use location to improve critical business objectives such as:
Compet it or Advant age
Innovat ion
Polit ics & Pub lic Image
Skilled Workforce
Skilled Workforce at ion & Real Est at e are cal t o a Business’ ess Competitor Advantage ssion: a t eam of dat a scient ist s whose is t o find st rat eg ic alignment en t alent enhancement and cost ement . swer two fundament al kinds of ons about locat ion: ch cit y should we ent er/ grow in? ch sit e should we choose w it hi a ket ? he variab les and st rat eg ic drivers change in locat ion st rat egy, our oft en put ret aining and recruit ing ent as t he focal driver of any rmat ional considerat ion. Innovation Politics & Public Image Diversity & Inclusion Talent Retention Business Efficiencies
Diversit y & Inclusion Talent Ret ent ion We onnect how a ocation can enhance critical bu iness objectives, elevating discussions to the language of a c-suite or board, where transformational decisions are made. Business Efficiencies Talent Pipeline We connect how a location can enhance these objectives, elevating discussions to the language of a c-suite or board, where transformational decisions are made.
Bespoke Sample Criteria Discrete Skills University Pipeline Talent Migration
Which Locat ion?
Synthesizing to Identify Location
A ll Locat ions
Right Place
Labor Competition Commute Dynamics Client Proximity Incentives Potential Return to Office
But who?
Bespoke Sample Criteria Discrete Skills University Pipeline Talent Migration
Synthesizing to Identify Client
Right Client
Labor Competition Commute Dynamics Client Proximity Incentives Potential Return to Office
Talent Pipeline
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