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5.2.3 Ensure that our employees are trained in hazards that are likely to be encountered in a laboratory environment. 5.2.4 Contract a professional source to conduct periodic air monitoring or other monitoring that may be required in a lab. All monitoring is performed in conjunction with Corporate HSSE. 5.3 Employees shall: 5.3.1 Follow requirements established within the customer’s CHP. 5.3.2 Notify the laboratory owner prior to entering a laboratory and/or performing work in or around laboratory equipment. 5.3.3 Immediately notify appropriate personnel in the event of a spill or release in laboratory environment. 5.3.4 Attend required training prior to working in laboratory areas or on laboratory equipment. 6. D ESCRIPTION OF P ROGRAM The company measures the employee’s exposure to any substance regulated by a Program which requires monitoring if there is reason to believe that exposure levels for that substance routinely exceed the action level or PEL. Use of the customer’s Chemical Hygiene Plan document’s locations that may result in exposure of our employees to known chemical, physical and/or biological hazards. The customer’s plan may be used to determine action levels or PELs if the plan covers activities our employees are performing and the locations of their work. If the customer’s plan does not cover the activities or location of our employees, a hygiene study is required to determine exposure to chemical or physical hazards for comparison to action levels or PELs. Contact Corporate HSSE to arrange for an industrial hygiene study. 6.1 Periodic Monitoring 6.1.1 If the initial monitoring discloses employee exposure over the action level or PEL, then the company will comply with exposure monitoring provisions of the customer’s Chemical Hygiene Plan, or applicable regulatory requirements. 6.2 Employee Notification of Results 6.2.1 The Site Manager, within 15 working days after the receipt of any monitoring results, notifies the employees of these results by posting results in an appropriate location that is accessible to employees. If the results are from personal samples, then the Site Manager or designee will communicate the results with the individual. 6.2.2 Chemical Hygiene Plan The Site Manager obtains a copy of the customer’s Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) for laboratories that may be entered by our employees. Our employees are required to abide by the customer’s Program. Elements and requirements of a “typical” Chemical Hygiene Plan include:

HSSE Laboratory Safety Program – Revised on Oct. 28, 2022

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