LogRhythm Sublease Strategy and Services_short version
EXISTING OBLIGATION: 20.5K SF Lease at 4840 Pearl East Circle - 6th Amend 5.22.19 EXISTING OBLIGATION: 20.5K SF Lease t 4840 Pearl E st Circle - 6th Amend 5.22.19
20.5K SF at 4840 Pearl East Circle Leased through Dec'19 20.5K SF at 4840 Pearl E st Circle Leased through Dec'19
Analysis Period
Analysis Period
Analysis Period Sublet Rentable Sublet Commen Sublet Rentable Squ Sublet Commencem Analysis Period
Sep'20-Dec'26 (76 mos) 20,539 sf
Sep'20-Dec'26 (76 mos) 20,539 sf
Rentable Square Feet
Rentable Square Feet
Lease Commencement Date / Early De ivery
Lease Commencement Date / Early Delivery
8/1/2019 89.0 mos
8/1/2019 89.0 mos
Lease Term
Lease Term
Sublet Term
Sublet Term
7.4 yrs
7.4 yrs
Lease Expiration Date
Lease Expiration Date
Sublet Expiratio Sublet Expiration Da
12/31/ 026
Sublet Rent
Sublet Rent
Base Rent - NNN
Base Rent - NNN
$1.92 sf/mo
$1.92 sf/mos
$23.00 sf/yr
$23.00 sf/yr
Sublet Rent - Sublet Ren - NNN
Free R nt
Free Rent
5.0 mos
5.0 mos
Free R nt
Free Rent
Mos 1-5 Free - Gross
Mos 1-5 Free - Gross
Annual Escalation Effectiv Rent Operating Expense
Annual Escalation Effective Rent Operating Expense OpEx / Prop Tax: '21 est.
Annual Escal Effective Sub Sublet Reimbur OpEx / Prop T NET: Cash Cos EXISTING OB NOM Pre Tax % Reduction Annual Escalation Effectiv Sublet Re Sublet Reimbursem OpEx / Prop Tax: ' NET: Cash Cost EXISTING OBLIG NOM Pre Tax $'s % Reduction from NPV Pre Tax $'s % Reduction from Sublease Commiss Provided Tenant Im Total Out- f-Pock NPV Pre Tax % Reduction Sublease Com Provided Ten Total Out-Of- NET Cash Op % Reduction NET Cash Operat % Reduction from NET Avg nnual % Reduction from
$2.11 sf/mo
$2.11 sf/mos
$25.27 sf/yr
$25.27 sf/yr
OpEx / Prop Tax: '21 est.
$0.96 sf/mo
$0.96 sf/mos
$11.57 sf/yr
$11.57 sf/yr
NNN: Based on a provided 2018 estimate.
NNN: Based on a provided 2018 estimate.
Cash Cost
Cash Cost
$4,949,6 7
NOM Pre Tax $'s
NOM Pre Tax $'s
NPV Pre Tax $'s
NPV Pre Tax $'s
Day 1 Cash Cost (Ne of TI)
Day 1 Cash Cost (Net of TI)
Cash Operating Cost - 2021
Cash Operating Cost - 2021
Avg Annual Operating Cost 1 NET Avg Ann % Reduction [1] Avg Annual Operating Cost is average of Rent and OpEx/Tx over the life of the lease. No Capital or 1-Time expense included. $781,531 Avg nnual Operating Cost 1 [1] Avg Annual Operating Cost is average of R nt and OpEx/Tx over the life of th leas . No Capital or 1-Time exp nse included. $781,531
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