How to Manage Sustainability Data
Real estate asset owners and occupiers are entering a perfect storm. For most, historical data management practices have not kept pace with changing market demands for more transparent and robust sustainability reporting. That’s putting organizations on a collision course with regulators and stakeholders. For one, the move from voluntary to mandatory reporting in multiple countries means applying the same rigor to sustainability reporting as financial disclosures. Increasingly, that requires having sustainability data – and the sources and collection methods – audited and assured. Regulators and lawmakers are also becoming bolder in calling out greenwashing and better at spotting problems with data accuracy and coverage. Alongside being audit-ready, this adds to the expectation that the data used to report on sustainability progress is accurate, complete, and prepared to a similar standard as financial accounts. The reality for many is that data isn’t being managed to these standards, and compliance deadlines aren’t moving. Without more effective data processes, operational oversight, quality control, and digital assistance, organizations risk paying a high price. For example, identifying data errors late in the reporting cycle is all too common, delaying disclosure, taking up executives’ time, and inviting unwanted market scrutiny. Avoiding these situations doesn’t have to be complex. This guide helps real estate owners, occupiers, and investors gather information, track, and report on their sustainability progress—all enabled by effective data management and governance. WHAT’S RAISING THE PRESSURE?
The shift from voluntary to mandatory reporting in many countries
Expectations of regulators, auditors, and stakeholders
A diverse range of sustainability disclosure standards
Short horizons for reporting and compliance readiness
Added complexity of reporting on Scope 3 being phased in
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