How to Manage Sustainability Data
INVESTOR ISSUES • Data completeness for water and electricity was less than 50% for 2023. CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD ROLE • Assess data completeness of current platform and work with provider to improve it to be prepared for GRESB 2024. SOLUTION • Manage stakeholders, including client asset and property managers, retailers, and platform vendor. • Put in place regular touch points and evaluation of completeness. IMPACT • Improved data completeness of known accounts to close to 90% or higher before GRESB submission.
PORTFOLIO OWNER ISSUES • Needed to check, verify, and clean up energy data dating back to 2017. • Inconsistent data quality before moving into a platform. • Inaccurate billing in some locations. CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD ROLE • Support a private company with 16,000 locations to report and adapt to new regulatory requirements. SOLUTION • Focused on ensuring quality data and establishing a single source of truth. • Created custom energy intensity data and filled data gaps. • Formed a multi-disciplinary team to develop processes, clean up past data, and move forward. IMPACT • Reduced emissions footprint by 20% through energy intensity factors. • Minimized errors and inaccuracies in data reporting and billing.
OCCUPIER ISSUES • Manage the collection of Scope 1 – 3 data sources (selected data sources for Scope 3). CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD ROLE • Long-term client relationship through a broader Facilities Management contract. SOLUTION • Prepared, analyzed, and consolidated information into a data platform for single-source reporting. • Supported mandatory and voluntary reporting requirements, including NGERS, DJSI, CDP and the client’s own reporting. • Provided regular interim quarterly reporting for year-end preparation. • Established procedures and guidelines to ensure smooth operations and audit readiness. IMPACT • Ensured the client was ready for audits with minimal errors identified by auditors.
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