CW Data Center Global Market Comparison 2020
The densest fiber connectivity makes an area attractive, with more networks allowing for increased speed. Each data center in each market was reviewed to determine access to local, long haul and international networks.
NORTHERN VIRGINIA The largest data center market in the world comes with some of the most robust fiber.
SILICON VALLEY The densest fiber runs through the technology capital of the world.
DALLAS This is the geographic midpoint for the United States and a convenient fiber pathway.
ATLANTA Atlanta is on the cusp of first-tier status, with existing infrastructure to assist in forward movement.
LOS ANGELES Dense fiber and a large, densely packed population with access to many undersea cables.
60 new undersea cables either completed in 2019 or are coming online in 2020, the highest two- year total in history. The continued need for greater bandwidth is expected to multiply over the next decade, as more countries gain internet users and companies develop new applications. WHAT TO WATCH
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