The Edge - Volume One
Urban farming takes root in CRE
A new trend is taking root in commercial real estate that has the potential to positively impact millions across the globe: urban farming. Most people associate urban farming with rooftop gardens. While these are proliferating in larger numbers, they are only a small part of the trend. Developers and landlords are increasingly seeking to be eco-friendly and provide greater amenities to their residents – whether they be apartment dwellers, office workers or restaurants seeking their own easily accessible farm-to-fork food chain. Using hydroponic (the method of growing plants without soil using water solvent), aeroponic (the process of growing plants in an air or mist environment, originally designed by NASA) and aquaponic (ecosystems that support both plants and fish) technology and LED lighting systems, urban farming operations create controlled environments that can potentially boost food production massively while simultaneously reducing the negative
ecological impacts of agriculture. Urban farms hold the power to insulate farming operations from the impacts of climate change, shifting weather patterns and/or drought.
Farming within controlled environments means that food producers no longer need arable soil, perfect weather or even sunlight.
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