The Edge - Volume One

One great way for women to position themselves as future leaders is to surround themselves with female mentors. “The time is now for women in commercial real estate – the best way to get more women involved is to show women it’s possible,” commented Moore-Marlette. EMPOWERED WOMEN EMPOWER WOMEN see more women speaking out on things that are important to them and that’s energizing for other women. Success breeds success. More women see others being successful and they envision themselves doing the same.” Jodi Swinburne , Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operating Officer – APAC, feels the women empowerment movement is front and center in Australia. “There is overt sponsorship of women in property – which is the biggest employer in Australia – via advocacy bodies, mentoring programs by leaders in the industry and female CEOs. This has enabled and supported women to push the traditional boundaries.” Others thank those women who have paved the way for women today. Natalie Craig , Chief Legal & Commercial Officer, commented, “I think women are kicking butt in most industries these days, not just CRE. That is in big part due to the tireless efforts of women in the Janice O’Neill , Global Head of Talent Management and Diversity, said, “You

generations before ours who persisted in raising the issues of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Those

efforts have lowered the barriers to women wanting to explore industries and careers that were previously considered male domain.”


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