The Edge Magazine Vol. 8

With her avatar back at the desk, Yvonne needs to get some work done. She tosses on her avatar’s headset, which mutes ambient noise and signals to others she is busy. 10:00 am

After work, Yvonne and a few colleagues have gotten into the practice of participating in one of the collaborative activities available in their virtual campus— from exploring various lands to playing a game. 5:00 pm

At lunch, Yvonne’s avatar sits at a table in the kitchen. She has found this to be a fun way to “lunch” with colleagues. Meanwhile, she’s physically sitting outside on her deck enjoying the last nice day of the season. 12:00 pm

After the activity, she simply leaves the officeverse and is already home. She gets some laundry done and then pulls herself together to head out with some friends. She plans to make it an early night as she’s heading into the physical office in the morning. It has been a couple days since she’s been in, and she is looking forward to seeing people ‘in real life.’ 6:00 pm

2:00 pm

Yvonne has a training session on a new product launch. She heads over to the VR room with her avatar at which point the meeting launches in her Oculus headset. Yvonne physically puts on the headset and says hello to those who have already gathered. She has a chance to say hello to product leads from around the globe and catch up briefly. Once it begins, they are guided through a “hands on” session where they work with virtual models of the product to learn how it works and provide feedback before they head to final production.


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