Tailor Your Business in Lodz 2023
T he popular real estate slogan ‘Location, location, location’ takes on a new meaning in the case of such a dynamic and demanding sector as CEP (courier, express and parcel services). We estimate that last year InPost couriers in Poland alone handled on average around 1.4 million parcels every day and the entire InPost Group delivered 745 million packages. Without appropriate logistics facilities, such stellar results would not have been achieved. When looking for new warehouse locations, we primarily target modern centrally located buildings close to key transport routes. In this respect, the Łódź province is undoubtedly one of the most attractive and promising markets for our business. Ample development land, a wealth of incentives and further improvements to local infrastructure make this region a top destination for leading logistics providers. This is why in 2022 we chose Łódź as a location for our 8,700 sq m logistics centre and decided to lease a larger space in an industrial park near Piotrków Trybunalski in which to accommodate our InPost Fulfillment warehouse providing end-to-end logistics services for the B2B e-commerce market. The facility will offer companies access to InPost’s warehouse space, automated order processing, as well as final order picking and shipping services. Our properties are so conveniently located that this translates into optimized delivery times and reduced carbon footprint. A sustainable approach to logistics processes is one of our business priorities. In addition to hundreds of electric courier vans already being in use, we are deploying new LNG powered tractor units and are doing our best to encourage our clients to go green. At the beginning of the year, together with Fundacja Odzyskaj Środowisko we launched ECOreturns with logistics platform Apaczka.pl as its partner. Customers can use the service to give away items which are in good working order but they no longer use so that they are redistributed, thereby supporting the circular economy. Logistics growth from the perspective of InPost Why did the company set its business in Central Poland?
Dariusz Lipiński Vice-President of the Management Board of InPost
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