Tailor Your Business in Lodz 2023
Logistics growth from the perspective of Arvato Why did the company set its sights on Strykow?
T he choice of location for a new logistics centre is influenced by many factors. We chose Stryków in the Łódź region for its central position in Poland and direct access to the A1 and A2 motorways. In addition, the presence of many inner-city courier hubs in Łódź makes for improved efficiency as orders can be picked up even in the evening. This enables us to provide next day deliveries which e-commerce customers frequently request. Another contributor to the attractiveness of Stryków is the availability of modern warehouse facilities. The world’s leading developers are present here - they offered us ready-to-occupy space within the time-frame required for our implementation schedule. The labour market of the Łódź province was also a significant factor. Above all, i t provides direct access to a skilled logistics workforce on account of the presence of many logistics and production companies here. In addition, according to the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) , the region’s unemployment rate stands at just over 5 per cent and is higher than that in the other provinces where we have our logistics centres: in Greater Poland (3 per cent) and in Mazovia (4 per cent). This enables us to recruit employees in nearby towns and communes who will be commuting to Stryków.
Any decision to enter a new region and to open a logistics centre there must be preceded by a thorough analysis of the local market, labour availability and its suitability for a company’s strategy.
Lidia Ratajczak-Kluck President of the Management Board of Arvato Polska
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