Tailor Your Business in Lodz 2023
An appropriate combination of several key aspects is crucial for manufacturing companies which need to consider their entire operational (logistics) chain, from sourcing raw materials and half-finished products required in manufacturing through to shipment of finished goods and products, i.e. choosing the right sales channel. Manufacturers very often operate in clusters to benefit from the synergy and availability of many other similar companies from their respective industries. Another critical factor to consider is the labour market and access to a skilled workforce. Manufacturing companies usually employ large numbers of people and tend to focus on locations that will facilitate recruitment of relevant specialists. A large workforce will also require appropriate infrastructure to be put in place: well-designed office and social space, and easy accessibility by public and private transport. Manufacturing companies usually choose one of two available options, depending on the type and size of their business. They opt either for well-connected urban locations with easy access to skilled labour and an appropriate transport network or for leasing space in BTS (Built-To-Suit) buildings. The latter option means operating in a non-urban location - chosen by a tenant - that meets the requirements of its supply chain and provides tailor-made business infrastructure from the start. Investors opting for BTS projects are also likely to have a greater choice of plots and to usually benefit from cheaper labour. ESSENTIAL FEATURES FOR MANUFACTURING T he choice of an appropriate location depends on the type of business and is key to success of any company. Among many aspects to consider when making a decision are access to transport infrastructure and labour markets.
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