Starfire Energy Proposal





20 M J J A



3 Months

Project Kickoff - stakeholder interviews, data room, master schedule, etc. Confirmation of key location drivers & factors of influence Project start up / determine initial facility requirements (power, infrastructure, etc.) Assess project risks & determine risk mitigation strategies Finalize financial objectives & ROM budget Current & future talent impact analysis Market screening to determine viable long-list (~10 cities that meet mission critical criteria) Initial & confidential tax/incentives due diligence Customized location scorecard and short-list determination (qualified list of ~3 cities to pursue further) Design Team Procurement GC Procurement Procure NDA's & send RFP to relevant economic development agencies - city, regional, state, etc. Short-list market surveys and real estate due diligence Intramarket labor and site analysis Program definitions Tour top performing cities/sites & meet with economic development authorities Prepare and send real estate (site/developer) RFP packages Building due diligence / initial financial evaluation INITIAL integrated site analysis: real estate, tax & incentives, labor, building/infrastructure comparisons Schematic Design / integration / owner approval PROJECT EXECUTION Review 1st round real estate/development proposals from landlord/developer teams Issue 2nd round real estate RFP to shortlisted landlords/developers Issue 2nd round incentives RFP package to economic development authorities UPDATED integrated site analysis: real estate, tax & incentives, labor, building/infrastructure comparisons Finalize best and final real estate RFP with top developer / landlord Finalize best and final incentives offer with authorities FINAL integrated dashboard & recommendation (supply chain, labor, incentives, real estate combined) client review, alignment, approval & selection Technical Site Due Diligence SHORT-LIST MARKET & SITE EVALUATION

Development/lease contracts negotiations & execution (whichever is applicable) Incentives implementation, applications submission, hearings, & execution Long lead items / material sourcing Construction Documents / Code analysis Permits / Jurisdictional approvals Construction Equipment Delivery and Commissioning

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