SOHO HOUSE Tour Guide_fixed

198 Utah,

San Franc

isco, Calif


dimensions 19-005 and e floors expo

Lot size and feet. APN 39 has only thre

: Mostly rec -004. Situate sed on the op

tangular, thre d on a grade posite side,

e street fron such that the Potrero Stree

tages, totalin building is f t.

g approximat ully exposed

ely 24,650 sq on Utah Stre

uare et but

Improvemen other half bri brick building Not sprinkler Tenancies: tenant’s leas Zoning: For Designation Environmen received by P

ts: Six sto ck and timber comprised o ed. Freight e Various, inclu e was termin both propert as a landmar tal: Present roperty Own

ry of mixed co , comprising f approximat levator. High ding Code a ated. Entire b ies, PDR-1-D k would allow ly unknown, b er in connect

nstruction, a in total appro ely 3,500 squ ceilings in to nd Canvas. uilding can b (Production office uses ( ut believed t ion with remo

pproximately ximately 77,0 are feet. Evi p two floors Approximatel e delivered v , Distribution, see below). hat in 2001 a val of UST.

half consisti 00 square fe dence of seis of larger build y 32,000 squ acant should and Repair w

e frame, and maller, singl larger buildi

ng of concret et. Second s mic retrofit in ing. are feet of re the property ith a “Design

the e story ng.

cent vacancy be redevelo ” overlay.



“Remedial A

ction Comple

ted” letter wa s

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