Quality Quarterly Q4 2017 - Issue #35
Welcome to the 35th edition of the Quality Quarterly (QQ). We need your help. We are looking for bright ideas to help freshen up the Quality Quarterly, including its content, delivery method(s) and any other topics you might want to see addressed. Feedback so far includes: • Change the format to a blog • Publish hot topics more frequently • Limit the content to only appraisal-practice-related issues Based on a suggestion we received, we will now publish the specific client survey ratings twice a year, rather than each quarter. Since the ratings typically do not vary significantly each quarter, this will streamline the presentation of the publication. This publication is intended to inform you of events and issues confronting our practice, and we want to ensure that people read it and find it helpful. So please get creative and let us know what you want to see. Forward any suggestions to anyone on the editorial staff for consideration to help us make this publication more useful to all. We hope you find the features in this edition useful. Your continued participation in identifying “live” issues will help us improve our knowledge and appraisal reports.
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