Q1 2021 UNITY Town Hall Slide Deck


Mental Health in the Workplace

Engendering Change

Correcting Unconscious Bias

DIRECT LINK TO D&I • We are human – we cannot leave our mental struggles at the door. We cannot and should not leave our full selves at home when we go to work MANAGEMENT SUPPORT • Create message from top it is okay to not be okay CHECKING IN Cushman EAP program • Have Erg calls to check in and not talk about business

TALENT ACQUISITION • Recruitment: need to ask for pronouns to ensure we are not missing out on talent ERG COLLABORATION • Intersectionality! • UNITY and ERGs are important because of initiatives for growing business

What is it, how we can improve it. C&W has a goal to have more training on this in 2021. SIMILIARITY • What It Means: We prefer what is like us over what is different. EXPEDIENCE • What It Means: We prefer to act quickly rather than take our time. EXPERIENCE • What it Means: We take out perception to be the objective truth. DISTANCE • What it Means: We prefer what’s closer over what’s farther. SAFETY • What it Means: We protect against loss more than we seek out gain.


Engaging Senior Leadership PLEDGE SUPPORT • Emphasize attendance and participation from executive sponsors at meetings and events. EDUCATION • Help executives understand that they need to make education a priority

Working Positively (HIV) EDUCATION • Give the impression that you can talk to your boss/employer about anything • It is not always about sexuality

EDUCATION • Set up educational training sessions for allies so they feel comfortable volunteering and/or discussing LGBTQ+ topics This is a goal of ours in 2021. • Have executives speak the importance of allyship at meetings, workshops, etc.

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