Workplace Brief Deliverable Sample

Space is underutilized ~ 50% coming in at peak Heavy on concentrative work and meetings, both in person and virtual Space needs to be more fluid for growth and shifting needs of workforce Execs need to sit with their teams/on the floor and be accessible Stakeholder Input

HYBRID & FLEXIBILITY SPACE & TECH AMENITIES PEOPLE » Bell curve analogy for return to office – ideally two thirds in a hybrid situation, and a third split between the bookends of in office and remote » In order to maintain status as an employer of choice , must offer some level of flexibility to employees » Guidelines about remote work will be established at the corporate level with some flexibility at the local level while ensuring promotions are equitable; can’t be grass roots where office managers pick and choose what they want » Need to establish a world class distance learning platform that caters to a hybrid experience » Mentorship primarily takes place informally on projects or while traveling; There is no formal mentorship program » The office has to provide socialization mechanism » Culture needs be sustained in the virtual and physical environment » Office cannot go back to being a place of managing by seeing; “Hoteling” type spaces with lockers and some dedicated seating for those who will be there » The concept of “ Office as a Service” – the office should offer services, opportunities and environments that enhance employee experience and drive team productivity and collaboration » “From Tetris to Transformers” – Shift from moving teams around the cube farm to more flexibility. Space should be open, dynamic and reconfigurable to best serve project teams by allowing them to adjust space depending on needs. » People will need privacy in the office and designated “ concentration zones ” to reduce distractions » A coffee bar with a Starbucks feel can purposefully drive interactions and socialization while also providing an alternative work setting » Beverage Friday is not the right option; Something to increase “ competitive spirit ” and blow off steam would be great, like volleyball or foosball/ping pong table



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