Office Asset Optimisation

Experience per Square Footâ„¢ (XSF) Is a long running bespoke workplace analysis and strategy tool that stands as one of the largest databases on employee experience globally. XSF has in excess of 11 million data points from both pre- and post-pandemic eras. In the landlord-focussed module, XSF scores the overall tenant experience and uncovers the drivers of that experience.

It allows Cushman & Wakefield to identify for building owners, what to invest in that which will make the most impact to the tenant experience and therefore prioritises capital expenditure requirements. The impact of these investments on the occupant experience can then be tracked as part of a continuous improvement plan. XSF scores the tenant experience with six key experience outcomes that address: the desire for occupants to continue working in the building, is the building welcoming, do occupants feel supported and safe; does the building add value to their in-office experience; and does it allow them to build a community and relationships beyond their company. XSF then digs into the various building experience attributes and identifies the drivers of the tenant experience and how well those drivers are performing. Topics include attendance drivers, building operations, spaces and layout, types of programs and

For example, one landlord discovered that the occupants were much more driven by having access to pop up retail and restaurants and not the fitness and wellness programs. Furthermore, we could identify the type of pop-up retail that matters most. The insights can be segmented by tenant type to better understand which types of companies and which industries are better suited to a building. Through data and insight provided by XSF, building owners can move from uncertainty to confidence in the investments they make which is something lacking in many tenant surveys and apps currently available.



events, amenities and services, together with overall building satisfaction.



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