Where a corporation locates within a metropolitan area region has direct impact on all of the top C-suite challenges: access to talent, ability to innovate, strong customer relationships, operational excellence and sustainability. Cost remains the key location criteria for 28% of survey respondents, but a number of other factors are rising up the agenda. The importance of cost in making location decisions has diminished since last year, as occupiers increasingly locate where they can attract talent, gain flexibility and enhance operational efficiency. Survey responses show a growing preference for occupiers to locate in urban areas that offer strong transportation infrastructure and the opportunity to engage talent. The effectiveness of traditional models is being reassessed, 43% OF RESPONDENTS SAID THEIR ORGANISATIONS PLAN TO RELOCATE SUBURBAN SITES TO MORE CENTRAL LOCATIONS
especially the separation of front- and back-office operations. While central business districts (CBDs) are the most sought-after hubs for occupiers, urban areas as a whole remain attractive with 64% of respondents globally choosing either CBDs or creative urban environments for their offices. Suburban business parks continue to attract a sizable portion of occupiers especially in The U.S., with 24% opting to locate within these markets, especially for companies in the industrial and life sciences sectors. However, there remains a fine balance between proximity to production sites and working environment. If the latter is simply not attractive enough for millennials, locating within suburban areas may become a barrier to recruitment and retention of talent. Survey results were not uniform across all regions. Public transportation options are important to more companies in EMEA and APAC regions than in North America. A CBD location is important to more than half of EMEA companies, compared to less than a third of APAC companies. Urban creative markets are preferred by more companies in North America than in other regions.
“The importance of cost in making locationdecisions has diminished since last year, as occupiers increasingly locate where they canattract talent, gainflexibilityand enhance operational efficiency.”
48 The Occupier Edge
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