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Cushman & Wakefield’s new diagnostic tool called Experience per SF™ helps clients pinpoint priorities that lead to the following business benefits:
1. Improve Employee
technology and we help clients create integrated workplace, technology and HR initiatives. Companies can now create a baseline experience score, and in true test and learn fashion, identify EPS2 actions and measure and report results. EPS2 helps clients move from costs to adding value. How can you improve your EPS2 score? BB: There a few things you can do. First, EPS2 measures the employee experience in terms of six basic workplace attribute categories:
Retention and Attraction
2. Improve Operational Efficiency 3. Improve Employee Engagement
4. Bolster Employee Productivity
5. Improve ROI
How does Experience per SF™ work? And how does this help clients improve an employee workplace experience? BB: Experience per SF (EPS2) is an industry differentiator borne out of the needs of the marketplace and leaders diligently searching to create, measure and monitor employee’s workplace experiences. Through surveys, observations and focus groups Cushman & Wakefield can now break down an employee experience across 33 attributes and 10 experience outcomes to help a client truly score a workplace experience and prioritise experience improvement initiatives. These initiatives are much broader than just real estate. Cushman & Wakefield recommendations are balanced between people, place and
1. Location 2. Workplace 3. Technology 4. Amenities 5. Services 6. Customs & Polices
We score how important the attributes and outcomes in each category are, and how effective the company is at delivering. Our diagnostics then indicate top priority actions that would improve the employee workplace experience. Clients find they can bolster their business cases with these KPIs and follow up with true experience improvement measures to showcase success.
Ability to separate EPS2 scores by market, building and business unit to Bolster Employee Productivity 4
Identify potential over performing areas and re-distribute resources and funding to improvement areas to Improve ROI 5
These categories allow us to measure work-life balance experiences; personal and social experiences; and learning. Success comes through implementing EPS2 actions and capturing improvements to the experience score.
BRYAN BERTHOLD Managing Director, Workplace Strategy & Change Management bryan.berthold@cushwake.com
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