LIBRA (Sep 23 - Oct 22) Lucky for you, Libra, you rule the zodiac’s seventh house of relationships: people are your profession! You do and be needed. You thrive on a team, or championing another’s cause as an agent, broker, or representative. With your charm and diplomacy, few can say no to a Libra! Libras love getting to know people, and you may have a mile-long contact list in your cell phone. This is your secret success weapon. Unlike other signs, you rarely shy away from an office party or networking event. You’re in your element when “schmoozing,” but you’ll also go beyond the superficial and share informed opinions. SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21) When it comes to your career, Scorpio, you’re on a serious mission. You pour yourself into work with the same smoldering intensity that you bring to everything else you do. best in a career that allows you to work with others – to need
CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 20) Capricorn, your sign rules the zodiac’s tenth house of career and achievement. You’re in your element at work! A dedicated professional, you love to plan and set goals. You don’t care if it takes ten years
to reach your destination. Capricorn is symbolised the mountain goat, and you view life as a rocky uphill climb. Unlike other signs, you expect to face a few bumps along the way. Even when you get discouraged, you rarely let an obstacle stop you for long.
AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19) Independent Aquarius loves freedom, and you need a career with room to express your individuality. Entrepreneurship was made for your sign! At the same time, Aquarius is the sign of groups and teams.
You work well in an office environment, provided it’s not too strict. You rebel under the supervision of anyone bossy or controlling. You’re best either leading a team, or working in a position that gives you lots of breathing room.
No detail escapes you, and you’ll do almost anything to get what you want. Scorpio is the sign of power and control. Although you crave security, you also thrive on competition. Nothing engages a Scorpio more than pursuing an out-of-reach goal that promises power, lifelong financial security or a chance to be
PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20) Pisces is symbolised by two fish swimming in opposite directions, and this sums up the lifelong theme of your career. You need both security and freedom. You’re at once a total rebel and an utter “company man.” Although you feign helplessness, when you’re in charge, it’s all about business. You love bringing the vivid landscapes of your imagination into material form, stretching
seen as the best in your field.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21) As with everything, Sagittarius, you need a career that offers a wide playing field with plenty of freedom and excitement. You’re the sign of the traveler, an inspired visionary who requires big dreams and lots of stimulation. Sitting still is a challenge! A natural entrepreneur, your sign thrives working for yourself, with nobody lurking over your shoulder
people’s minds. In a large institution or
or telling you when to wake up. Sagittarians love to do things your way, according to your vision. Because you have lots of interests, it can be hard to focus on just one. You love to explore, but you hate to commit, for fear that you’ll miss out.
corporation, you bring a rare creative touch, and push for reform.
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