Closing Notes Each quarter as we begin crafting The Occupier News, we constantly find ourselves in awe of our colleagues. Our professionals go above and beyond to showcase that Cushman & Wakefield is not only the best because of our expertise and knowledge, but we have a genuine bond with one another – and it’s something that our clients notice and want to be a part of. The Occupier News captures and highlights these relationships, which are unparalleled. Additionally, The Occupier News allows us to share valuable information with the global business and to demonstrate our appreciation for the hard work GOS professionals contribute to Cushman & Wakefield’s success. One of the goals of this quarterly newsletter is to foster a greater sense of teamwork and engagement throughout GOS. In each edition, we want to ensure that we are recognizing superior performance and achievements - please be sure to share notable information for inclusion in future editions. Thank you to all of those who participated in this edition.
Wishing you peace and joy this holiday season and happiness in the new year.
Katy Pietrini VP, Marketing Global Occupier Services
Gina Chinino Global Communications Manager Global Occupier Services
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