Tell us a little more about you: Brother of two, husband of one, father of three, caretaker of two dogs, owner of three bicycles; and rue the fact that I’m not an official, medically-confirmed “short sleeper.” Notable industry achievement: I have had the good fortune of working for some wonderful organizations across various industries – consumer packaged goods, investment management, banking, insurance and professional services. During one stint, I was involved in being the first company to directly raise money from individual investors (via direct marketing, not brokers) investing in private RELPs and REITs. What’s something you’re most proud of? The volunteer work I did for five years with at-risk teenage boys in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and working with the Penn (University of Pennsylvania) football team to address a five-year drought in winning the Ivy League Championship. Is there a quote you live your life by? “The truth is that there is nothing noble in being superior to somebody else. The only real nobility is in being superior to your former self.”
What would most people be surprised to learn about you? That I once won a Chicago-area lip sync contest with colleagues from Quaker Oats – YMCA by the Village People. The song alone carried us. Why do you enjoy working at Cushman & Wakefield and in the commercial real estate industry? Highly talented, passionate professionals who enjoy serving their clients well and appreciate the opportunity to do something special in this industry.
Michael Daley Global Chief Marketing Officer Location: New York
Michael on a bike ride.
Michael with family members.
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