Closing Notes The Occupier News allows us to share valuable information with the global GOS business and to demonstrate our appreciation for the hard work GOS professionals contribute to Cushman & Wakefield’s success. The goal of this quarterly newsletter is to keep you updated on important company news and to foster a greater sense of teamwork and engagement throughout GOS. We found it incredible, when asking our colleagues about which office they would like to visit, that each location they chose was different. Sometimes, we forget how truly global our footprint is! It was also fun to find out how colleagues spend their summer with family & friends through photos. In each edition, we want to ensure that we are recognising superior performance and achievements - please be sure to share notable information for inclusion in future editions. Additionally, we would like to thank the many colleagues who contributed to making this edition a success, especially the global GOS Marketing team. As always, we welcome ideas for future editions of The Occupier News. Please share your recommendations with Gina at: gina.chinino@cushwake.com
Have a wonderful quarter.
Katy Pietrini VP, Marketing Global Occupier Services
Gina Chinino Global Communications Manager Global Occupier Services
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