23008_Nearshoring Report

INTRODUCTION For many years, businesses in Europe have offshored the manufacture of products, of all different types, to far-away locations, often in Asia Pacific.

Why have businesses chosen to locate their production facilities overseas in distant locations such as China and India? What advantages has this given them and why is this changing? And what does this mean for different types of businesses and the way in which they move products from source to end-destination? What does this mean for locations? And what does it mean for property? This report seeks to answer those questions and provide some insight on the trends influencing the future of nearshoring decisions – and how to recognise opportunities and consider risks.

Recent global economic shocks and supply chain disruption have illuminated the length and complexity of how we source the products we make, move and consume. In addition, the rising costs of labour in and transporting goods from Asia, as well as geopolitical factors and growing focus on sustainability and social impact, all add to the complexity and cost for manufacturers. These factors and more are driving businesses to examine their sourcing and supply chain strategies and they are increasingly considering nearshoring of production and supply.



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