No. 3
The most engaging bird I’ve ever met was “Cindy”, a rescue raven who lived with a family friend. Wemet when Iwas about 10—I had recently read “TheRaven’ in school and had my doubts, but Cindywonme over. Not onlywas she extremely intelligent but shewas also very playful, andwas happiest when serving as an “Animal Ambassador” at schools and youth clubs. If the children didn’t move quickly
enough to greet her, she would run over to them to make the introduction. She also had a very good vocabulary and was able to say things like “hello”, “pardon me” and “permesso” (somewhere along the way, she’d learned some Italian). I’d never had a pet – my sister’s allergies had precluded it – but Cindy certainly filled the void. Thanks to her, I became very interested in birds, and it’s an interest that continues to this day.
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