MovementMortgage_OM_Sept 5

HVAC AND AIR-CONDITIONING (MMII): The building air conditioning system utilizes three (3) direct expansion gas fired variable volume packaged rooftop units. Supply/return air mains from each unit are ducted through the roof to each floor respectively for connection to the overhead supply air medium pressure duct system. Terminal vav fans powered with electric heat are provided for building air conditioning. Freeze protection for the shell building is being supplied through the packaged rooftop units gas fired heat exchanger. Freeze protection for the sprinkler room and exit corridor is provided through wall mounted heaters. Electrical rooms are ventilated and restrooms/janitor rooms are exhausted. The building two gym is serviced by four (4) ground mounted units. FIRE SENSING AND FIRE ALARM: The fire alarm consists of pull stations on each stair egress at each floor, smoke detectors in corridors, and return-air duct work, flashing lights, and horns. The audible devices are equipped for voice mass evacuation, with standard automated alerts and the ability to create emergency specific alerts. The fire alarm system is configured to monitor all smoke detectors and sprinkler flow. The alarm sequence shuts down air handlers and calls out the local emergency services. LIGHTING: MMI is a combination of fluorescent and led lighting. MMII is LED lighting throughout. INTERIOR FINISHES: The interior reflects a Class A headquarters finish with an industrial design that is highly desired by companies and employees. Both buildings have open floor plans and break out rooms that encourage a collaborative environment. Centrally located large cafeterias are not only used for dining but also as impromptu meeting areas. MMII has an on-site dentist office and a state-of the art crossfit gym. The exterior courtyard with its ample variety of outdoor seating connects the two buildings. Movement bank (owned by movement mortgage) has constructed a small branch on the ground floor of building two with a dedicated entrance for retail customers.



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