Florida Healthcare Advisory Practice


We understand what works for first class healthcare locations

Does the property offer the right patient experience? Is there a convenient drop off area, ample parking? Does the entry have good lighting, clear directional signage ?

Does the valet offer assistance such as wheel chairs or valet?

If we need after hour access – confirm how will that work in a secure manner – from parking to entry and back

Does the property feature high speed internet capabilities , etc.

Is there visible security services ?

On/Off Campus Issues

Understand the Issues

We’ve dealt with issues including ground lease restrictions, ROFRs, competing/ exclusive uses, parking issues, access issues, signage rights, exterior maintenance, security, etc.

We help protect the tenant by navigating leasing pitfalls and documentation issues that inevitably arise. We’ve done this before.

Tenant Improvement Allowed

We can help ensure the tenant build-out allowances are maximized and are negotiated fully. We know what build outs and retro-fits cost and we ensure tenants are getting a true, market deal.

Referral Mix / Competing Uses

Review existing tenant mix to screen location for the optimal opportunity for future referrals and understand existing competition. Get the right space for the right use. Where is the nearest urgent care/primary care, surgery center, competing hospitals, assisted living facilities, etc.?


We focus solely on negotiation the best deal possible for the targeted objectives. We have represented landlords and tenant and been on both sides of the table. We know what levers to pull and push to get the best deal for our clients. We know the speed bumps and how to navigate them – from negotiating Letter of Intent through complicated lease language issues and unforeseen build out issues – our experience can save you time to occupancy and add real value to the bottom line.

Representation Creates Competition

Review and screen available locations to confirm sites that meet the requirements and send a clear message to landlords

and property owners that you are working with professionals who understand the market.

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