Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2018

Workplace safety as a culture We believe that our colleagues have a right to a safe workplace that protects them from safety risks and hazards. At the

Our 360° Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Model is based on

shared responsibility, collaboration and accountable leadership. Led by a global HSSE team, in line with our global HSSE policies, we strive for continuous improvement in safety performance by maintaining regular communications with all colleagues and making safety resources easily accessible to employees through a single online global platform.

same time, they also have a responsibility to perform their work safely, observing all safety policies and procedures, and speaking up to ensure potential safety hazards are identified and eliminated. Cushman & Wakefield is committed to acting in accordance with all applicable

In 2018, four of our five regions

achieved a significant reduction in injury rates.

safety laws, regulations and our own stringent safety standards in all of our locations around the globe.

Additionally, regular hazard identification and risk assessments are performed at our sites each year.


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