Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2018


Space Matters: Key Office Trends and Metrics for U.S. Occupiers This signature report explores the alignment of real estate and business strategy in driving several critical trends that impact how space is designed and utilized.

Coworking 2018: The Flexible Workplace Evolves What once seemed like a fad – coworking is here to stay, and we’ve closely tracked its evolution and impact on commercial real estate.

U.S. Macro Forecast: Entering the Boom Phase Our chief economist analyzes the economic backdrop related to office, industrial, retail and commercial property markets in the Macro Forecast report.

Global Investment Atlas 2018 The Global Investment Atlas 2018 reviews international investment patterns and anticipates market performance for the year ahead.

Winning in Growth Cities Winning in Growth Cities is an annual report that examines global commercial real estate investment activity, assessing cities by their success at attracting capital.

Tech Cities 2.0 Tech Cities 2.0 demonstrates that markets where tech accounts for a significant portion of the local economy experience more rent growth and larger property value increases.


What’s the value of building certifications beyond certifying buildings?

Continual improvementand adaptation Thebuilding industrycanoften fall intoa “let’s stick withwhatworks”mentality.Contrary to the static ‘triedand true’approach,greenbuilding rating systemsare inherentlydesigned tobeflexibleand dynamic –adapting to the latest technologiesandbest practiceswhilecontinuing to raise thebar through increased technical rigor.Theneed forcontinual improvementhasbroughtusLEEDVersion4aswell asWELLVersion2,while spawning relativelynew systems suchasFitwelandReset. Whilewecan’tpredict the future,wecanhelp to make itbetter.Thequestion thatproject teams should address isn’t “shouldwecertify?”but “howcanwe leverage thebestpracticesoutlined in sustainability andwellness frameworks tocreatebuildings that minimize resourceconsumptionwhileenhancing humanhealthandwellbeing?”Thebeautyof frameworks suchasLEED,WELLandFitwel is that theyaredesigned tobenefitallprojects,not just those withaplaqueon thewall.

Urban farming takes root in CRE

As sustainability andwellness certificationsgainmomentum, thequestionoften becomes “To certify,ornot to certify?” –but thisbinary approachmisses the true intentof these systems.The focus shouldnotbeon chasingpoints,butbuilding upon the strategiesoutlined in thesebuilding standards to createhealthier and moreenvironmentally-friendlyworkplaces.Certification isnot just about the plaque – it’s about theprocess.Regardlessofwhether formal certification is pursued,everyproject can and shouldborrow ideas and strategies from leading sustainability andwellness frameworks to create abetterbuiltenvironment.By leveraging theextensive research thatgoes intodevelopingeach creditor feature, project teams canpursueproven,data-driven strategies that reduce impacton the environmentwhilepromotinghealth andwellbeing foroccupants.

Anewtrend istakingroot in commercialrealestatethathas thepotentialtopositively impact millionsacrosstheglobe:urban farming. Mostpeopleassociateurban farmingwith rooftop gardens.While theseareproliferating in larger numbers, theyareonlya smallpartof the trend. Developersand landlordsare increasingly seeking tobeeco-friendlyandprovidegreateramenities to their residents –whether theybeapartment dwellers,officeworkersor restaurants seeking their owneasilyaccessible farm-to-fork foodchain. Usinghydroponic (themethodofgrowingplants without soilusingwater solvent),aeroponic (theprocessofgrowingplants inanairormist environment,originallydesignedbyNASA)and aquaponic (ecosystems that supportbothplants andfish) technologyandLED lighting systems, urban farmingoperationscreatecontrolled environments thatcanpotentiallyboost food productionmassivelywhile simultaneously reducing thenegative

B LEED Leadership inEnergy and EnvironmentalDesign (LEED) isoneof themost populargreenbuilding certificationprograms usedworldwide.

It’sup tous toput the concepts to practice, creating abetter future for ourpeople andourplanet.

TheCushman&WakefieldGlobal Headquarters inChicago is a WELLCertified™project and achievedSilver level certification.

B WELL TheWELLBuilding Standard™ (WELL)

Indenseurbanmarkets, the riseof indoorcroppingcreatesanopportunity forurbanplanners to reuseobsolete industrialbuildingswhile reaping the benefitsof reduced local relianceon traditionaldistributionchainand the need to importgoods from faraway. Thismeans less strainon infrastructure, with fewerbig rigsclogging local highways. The indoorcroppingmovement ishardly monolithic.A rangeof technologies alreadyexistandothersarebeing created. Someoperations seeanopportunity in rooftop farms.Though thisconcept is in its infancy, the riseof rooftop farming capabilitiescouldpotentiallycreatenew revenue streams for theownersofurban properties. ecological impactsof agricultur. Urban farmshold thepower to insulate farming operations from

Because thesearecontrolled environments, indoorcropping operationsdon’tneed tousepesticides orherbicides, solving foranother ecologicalchallenge. Insteadof soil, plantsaregrown in re-usableclothmade from recycledplastic,and insteadof sunlight,operations relyon specialized LED lighting systems.Thisalsohelps to reduceenergy footprints. Perhaps theirgreatestecologicalbenefit is in the reductionof foodmiles.On average, in theU.S.,produce travels 1,500miles from farm toplate.This, ofcourse, impacts freshnessasmany foods losenutrientsand tastealong the way,but italsohasprofoundlynegative impacts in termsofgreenhousegas emissions.Urban farmingoperations eliminate theneed forextensive distributionchainswith theability to growcropsclose to theendconsumer.

marriesbestpractices in design and construction withevidence-based medical and scientific research –harnessing the builtenvironment as a vehicle to supporthuman health andwellbeing. B FITWEL Fitwel isabuilding certification system thatoptimizesbuildings to supporthealth,by focusingona scorecard ratingofdesignand operational strategies to

ALEXANDERSPILGER SeniorVicePresident Sustainability,GlobalOccupierServices DESPINAKATSIKAKIS InternationalPartner HeadofOccupierBusinessPerformance

IntheU.S., producetravels onaverage1,500 milesfromfarm toplate.

Farmingwithin controlled environments meansthatfood producersno longer needarablesoil, perfectweatheror evensunlight.


address thebroad rangeof healthbehaviorsand risks that impactoccupants.


the impactsof climatechange, shiftingweather patternsand/or drought.


ALLISONKIM VicePresident,Sustainability &WellnessServices





Urban Farming Takes Root in CRE Our research illustrates how urban farming is a great solution for developers and landlords who are increasingly seeking to be eco-friendly.

What’s the Value of Building Certifications Beyond Certifying Buildings? Certification is not just about the plaque – it’s about the process.


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