Cassidy Turley Real Estate Solutions_Belden 9-3

Creating Operational Value


Security/Building Access

Waste & Recycling

Saved more than 10% managing services pertaining to security gates for corporate and franchised locations

Saved 13% on monthly waste handling charges

Roof & Structure

Projects & Construction

Reduced cost of roof replacement by up to 20%

Reduced architectural and engineering related expenses by more than 40% per project

Environmental Health & Safety Saved 20% through leveraging preferred vendor of Cassidy Turley to provide life safety services

Furniture & Equipment Saved $15,000 per store on average in capital expenditures associated with equipment

Grounds Management

Negotiated the landlord to pay $18,000 for parking lot repairs that were tenant responsibilities within the lease

Utilities Management

Reduced volume of hot/cold calls by 70% with upgraded automatic temperature controls

Energy Efficiency

Facility Administration

Repairs & Maintenance

Created 17% in annual savings as a result of an energy-efficient lighting upgrade

Saved 25% in lighting product costs through Cassidy Turley’s leverage with a preferred vendor

10% annual savings supporting more than 6,000 retail locations

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