Cassidy Turley Real Estate Solutions_Belden 9-3

Initial Team Outline

Key Design Features 1. Integrated Team 2. Work Order Deployment System 3. National Vendor Management and Procurement Program

Executive Leadership

Key Benefits for Belden 1. Improved Quality of Service and Volume 2. Enhanced Responsiveness 3. Reduced Expenses

Cheri Shepherd, Managing Director J Glasgow, Managing Director Andrew Martin, Senior Vice President

Account Manager

Portfolio Lease Administration Team

Facility Management Service Center

Establishing a SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT for Belden is key to success

23,000 Locations

74,000 Work Orders Annually

$3.5 Billion Spend Managed

316,000 Invoices Processed (2012)

23,000 Client Locations

$1 Billion Invoices Paid

400 Million Total Square Feet Managed

$.10 - $.20 Per Square Foot Average Savings

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