Cargill RFP Response



The proposed fees below reflect our estimated scope of work required to deliver on the requirements in the RFP. However, we would be open to reviewing our estimates and determine if we have allocated the appropriate amount of time and resources for this project to ensure optimal delivery and best-in-class service. The scope outlined herein is scoped at a fee of $165,000 for Phases 1 through 3. This is inclusive of a $30,000 fee for technology strategy; should technology strategy be limited to Real Estate Advisory (Strategy, Lease Administration, and Transaction Management/Brokerage) only, C&W will further reduce this fee by $15,000. Should Phase 4 Change Management support be desired, currently noted as Optional in our project schedule, it can be scoped and priced upon request. As currently outlined, the optional Change Management scope is estimated at $57,600. As we look to develop and build a partnership with Cargill, C&W proposes a mechanism whereby the proposed costs in this RFP could be offset via Transaction Management services to be provided at a later date. C&W will commit to absorbing the full costs provided in this proposal should C&W be contractually engaged for exclusive Transaction Management services in North America within one (1) year following initial engagement.

Proposal for Real Estate & Incentives Advisory Services CARGILL 27

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