CW Florida Quarantine Cookbook
Liza Medina | South Florida Sangria Famosa
Merlot/Cabernet mix Blackberry Brandy Lemon/Lime Fanta or Sprite
Sliced or chopped recommended fruits: Apples Oranges Lemons or Limes Grapes (cut in half) Raspberries (You can add whatever fruits tickle your fancy but these are my favorites)
Don't forget to eat the fruit - that's the best part!
To make the chili salt. Combine the salt, chili powder, and sugar on a shallow plate. Rim your glass with salt, then fill with ice Prepare fruit and put it at the bottom of a pitcher. Add the Blackberry brandy until the fruit is just about covered to the top. Put in fridge for 3 hour minimum to allow the fruit to cure (I leave mine overnight). Next pour in the wine, a little more brandy as a topper and make it fizz with a can of Fanta or Sprite. Just that easy and OH SO REFRESHING!
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