Burns & McDonnell_Denver RFP Response_FLIP BOOK



Burns & McDonnell –

On behalf of our team, we greatly appreciate the opportunity to respond to Burns & McDonnell’s RFP for real estate services. I will lead the entire real estate process from the initial development of the strategy to the final negotiations of the lease language. Our team has a long history working with Burns & McDonnell in Colorado dating back to April, 2012 when we expanded your facilities at 9785 South Maroon Circle to 28,000 SF and then subsequent expansion negotiations leading to the 95,000 SF footprint you occupy today. These negotiations included aggressive deal terms with each round of expansions, but we were also able to drive significant base building and system upgrades when the asset was sold from Hamilton-Titan to Felton Properties. Most recently, we leveraged Felton Properties desire to sell the asset to drive below market terms on the last expansion. Interestingly, Felton Properties failed in their attempt to sell the asset in 2019 due to the lack of lease term they had in place with Burns & McDonnell and the market knows they will be desperate to retain your tenancy in order to prevent a default on their loan. All of this history puts me in a unique position to leverage any relocation option with what the market will know will be a super cheap renewal proposal. Regardless if there is any intent to renew or not, it will be critical to play up the potential to drive the best possible deal terms. It’s been a pleasure working with Burns & McDonnell over the last decade. As an extra inducement to secure Burns & McDonnel’s business our team will rebate 10% of any commissions earned on this transaction. I’ve always admired the fact that Burns & McDonnell is a 100% employee-owned business, so I can guaranty you that I will continue to aggressively negotiate on your behalf as every last dollar matters to each of your employees.

Please find enclosed a comprehensive and customized response to your RFP questions.

Thank you,

Steve Billigmeier Executive Managing Director +1 303 813 6413 steve.billigmeier@cushwake.com

Cc: John DeHardt , Sid Dixon , Rob Bain

5 RFP for Real Estate Services BURNS & MCDONNELL

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