Assets Services Multifamily Capabilities | Arizona
Cushman & Wakefield practices a collaborative approach between property manager and property accountant in order to deliver financial reports that enable clients to make sound business decisions. Our standard operating approach includes strict security and internal business controls over nancial reporting and accounting records. This model ensures responsibilities are segregated to maintain a secure accounting environment.
• Strong, experienced professionals with knowledge in multifamily property operations, including conventional residential and affordable housing • Accounting team that partners with onsite residential property management to account for resident rental billings and payments • Providing accounting of all payables for building and resident services, unit turnover, work and supplies in connection with operations and maintenance of multifamily properties
• Paying bills for all building services, work, supplies, utilities, resident specific expenses and real estate taxes • Preparing nancial reports at both building and consolidated levels, as requested by clients, in Cash and/or GAAP/Accrual basis • Partnering with onsite property management teams to provide accurate and reliable data on resident collections and overall financial results
Cushman & Wakefield | 20
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