Anovion Technologies Proposal



Steve Billigmeier & Rob Bain will lead the Transaction Team and be the primary points of contact for Anovion throughout the entire process. Working in tandem with the team members below, Steve & Rob will assist with vetting potential land sites, negotiating the best business terms possible, & leading the project from start to finish. Amy Gerber & Tyler Hales will lead the Location Selection team, and as such, will manage the various service offerings that fall within this jurisdiction. Manufacturing location strategy, supply chain impact analysis, financial modeling, and economic development engagement, including the negotiation & procurement of business incentives, are all components of the broader Location Selection team that must work in parallel as the process evolves. We will layer in other handpicked resources across the country to specifically lead each service offering based upon past experience and success on behalf of other clients. Kyle Schneider will lead the Project Management Team due to his previous experience assisting large scale manufacturers design their facilities while ensuring efficient construction timelines, which is particularly important given today’s supply chain constraints. While we understand project management may be provided by Anovion’s future design / build partner, we wanted you to be acutely aware of our breadth of knowledge, experience, and expertise should your strategy change in the future. Further we will leverage Kyle and his team’s expertise as we perform due diligence on potential sites as part of our Transaction Management process.

Anovion –

On behalf of Cushman & Wakefield (C&W) and our entire project team, we are thrilled to present our real estate site selection proposal for Anovion’s 2nd large-scale U.S. manufacturing facility. Below we have outlined our unique strengths and experience, proposed scope of work, and pricing structure. Understanding this facility will be mission critical to achieving Anovion’s future manufacturing milestones & operational prosperity, it’s imperative this process accounts for all variables to ensure long term success. To that end, we have outlined our recommended action plan for the first 60 days to streamline decision making both from a location & real estate perspective. This initial action plan will synthesize Anovion’s most important business drivers (talent, supply chain, land availability, etc.) to holistically evaluate the sites we identify. We have included other relevant information in the appendix following this Executive Summary. C&W UNIQUE STRENGTHS THE RIGHT TEAM Understanding Anovion requires a trusted partner who understands the complexities of business incentives negotiations combined with the ability to mitigate supply chain obstacles while also ensuring speed-to-market delivery remains top of mind, we have assembled a world class team prepared to work in tandem to achieve excellence. We recognize projects of this scale require careful coordination and seamless execution. As such, we realize the importance of defining responsibilities, aligning objectives, driving sustainability, and ultimately securing a favorable real estate solution. In attempt to clearly define roles at the onset, we’ve divided the project team into three distinct subcategories – Transaction Management, Location Selection, & Project Management with a brief description of the leads for each below. Refer to the Project Team section for the full team and organization structure.

Proposal for Real Estate Services ANOVION 5

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