813 6th Street OM_LONG_FEB2019_005
Civil Law and Motion and the Civil Settlement Conference Center are located in the Hall of Justice Building. The historic and civil nature of the building perfectly fit with the Court functions housed within the building.
The Civil Settlement Conference Center (Department 59) is located on the 1st Floor.
The Sacramento Superior Court began its current Civil Settlement Conference Program in 1986 with a commitment from the bench that strong efforts to settle civil cases were essential to good trial calendar management. The Court solicited Sacramento’s leading civil attorneys, asking them to sit as Pro Tem Settlement Conference Judges, pro bono. Over the years, the program has become one of the Court’s most effective forms of alternative dispute resolution, resulting in the settlement of approximately 50% of the cases that complete their conferences. Civil Law and Motion is located on the 2nd Floor. Sacramento Superior Court has two (2) courtrooms, Departments 53 and 54 that hear civil law and motion matters and which are both located on the 2nd Floor. The Civil Law and Motion Departments have a tentative ruling system where the judge renders a decision the work day before the scheduled hearing date. The tentative ruling is placed on the court’s electronic bulletin board and recorded message phone for access by the public. Parties objecting to the court’s tentative ruling may request oral argument by advising the court, opposing parties and counsel of their intent to appear at the hearing. If oral argument is not requested, the tentative ruling becomes the final ruling of the court. Various Sacramento Superior Court administrative functions are housed on the 4th floor of the building. These administrative functions provide critical support to the main courthouse located two blocks away at The Schaber Courthouse (720 9th Street).
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