22025_The Future of UK Housing Supply_v2
A F FO R DA B I L I T Y No matter which scenario materialises, we need to address the chronic shortage of housing in the UK. However, it will be a balancing act with the UK’s sustainability agenda.
The undersupply of homes in the UK is causing people to live in unsuitable
accommodation, with households unable to access the housing they need. The lack of suitable housing is causing overcrowding, more young people living with their parents, impaired labour mobility (impacting the job market) and increased levels of homelessness. The UK Government set a target of delivering 300,000 homes a year by the mid 2020’s to match demand and keep housing costs affordable. This target has not been met. We are 60,000 homes short per year.
S O H OW DO WE D E L I V E R MO R E H OM E S FO R OU R C I T Y O F 2 0 4 0 ?
Two Prime Ministers and several Housing Ministers later, the government has made little progress. However, Michael Gove is back as the Levelling Up Secretary and there is hope he will move forward with the plans outlined earlier in the year. Consistency is needed within housing policy if we are to deliver more homes for our city of 2040.
The biggest challenge to delivering homes is planning. The UK planning system is slow and fragile and does not grant consent often enough. A quicker and easier to navigate system is needed to speed up the delivery of homes. In May 2022, planning reforms were introduced in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill. Reform sought to improve the planning system and further empower local leaders to regenerate their local areas.
11 The Future of UK Housing Supply |
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