2023 Sustainability Report



materially. We are permitted to determine in our discretion that it is not feasible or practical to implement or complete certain of our ESG initiatives, policies, and procedures based on cost, timing, or other considerations. References to case studies in this report are intended to be illustrative and are not intended to be used as an indication of the current or future performance. Further, the receipt of any awards by Cushman & Wakefield is no assurance that Cushman & Wakefield’s business objectives, including its ESG- or sustainability-related objectives, have been achieved or successful. Certain information contained herein has been obtained from third parties, and in certain cases has not been updated through the date hereof. While these third-party sources are believed to be reliable, Cushman & Wakefield makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, fairness, reasonableness or completeness of any of the information contained herein, and expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability therefor. Unless otherwise indicated, the information presented is as of December 31, 2023, and should be considered historical and not subject to further update by us. The information and/or data provided relating to Cushman & Wakefield’s TCFD reporting requirements is not intended to discharge such disclosure requirements. The relevant disclosures are detailed in Cushman & Wakefield’s Annual Report. Consequently, the information as provided herein may be partially or fully incomplete. No representation or assurance is provided as to the accuracy, completeness and/or reliability of the relevant information as provided herein. Additionally, this report may refer to internal systems and/or processes which are under development, evolution and review, and Cushman & Wakefield gives no guarantee that these systems and processes with be implemented as described herein.

Nothing in this report should be construed as an indicator of the future performance of Cushman & Wakefield’s securities. You should not purchase or sell securities — of Cushman & Wakefield or any other company — based on the views herein. Cushman & Wakefield disclaims all liability for securities purchased or sold based on information herein, and by viewing this report, you waive all claims against Cushman & Wakefield as well as against Cushman & Wakefield’s affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, advisers, and representatives arising out of the accuracy, completeness, adequacy or your use of the information herein. The inclusion of information in this report should not be construed as characterization regarding the materiality or financial impact of that information. In this report, we are not using such terms as “material” or “materiality” as they are used under the securities or other laws of the U.S. or any other jurisdiction, or as they are used in the context of financial statements and financial reporting. Materiality, for purposes of this report should not, therefore, be read as equating to any use of the word in other Cushman & Wakefield reporting or statements.

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