2023 Marketing Guide
For more information, please visit PostEngine.com
The #1 performing software for craigslist apartment marketing. Save time and free up your team with PostEngine! It’s the only software designed for multifamily that automates the creation, daily scheduling, posting, and renewal of your Craigslist ads. All it takes is two clicks! • Schedule your ads for the ENTIRE DAY! Post ads immediately or schedule all your ads for the day in minutes. Plus, we’ve extended the time frame available to schedule your ads from 6 AM - 10 PM. Schedule more ads and be visible during peak hours. • Keep ads top of the search results. PostEngine automatically renews your ads once per hour to keep them at the top of Craigslist search page results, every day! • Generate more website traffic: We include tracking links in every ad to drive more traffic to your property websites. The tracking link information will be captured in Google Analytics to allow you to review the performance of your Craigslist marketing. • Boost team productivity: Automatic posting activity reports help you monitor team activity and compliance at a glance. • Dashboard Reporting: View dynamic, web-based reporting, including email, call tracking, website traffic, and individual ad performance.
Scheduled posting empowers teams to post all their craigslist ads for the day in minutes!
CONTACT: ALLEN COOK E: allen@rooof.com P: +1 623 242 1171
PRICING: Please see “Vendor Pricing” section for a detailed list of costs and services.
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