2022 Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Report

Notes: • We calculate our GHG emissions inventory in accordance with the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting Standard (the “GHG Protocol”) using an operational control boundary. The GHG Protocol defines the operational control approach to include operations where the company has the full authority to introduce and implement operating policies. Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions from all global owned and leased facilities and vehicles worldwide are included in our inventory. • Energy consumption is estimated for leased facilities where we do not have access to metered energy data. • Scope 1 emissions include stationary combustion of fuels in our buildings and combustion of transportation fuels in our mobile fleet. • Scope 2 emissions include indirect purchased energy for consumption in our buildings. • We measure and report our Scope 3 emissions for purchased goods and services, capital goods, fuel- and energy-related activities, waste generated in operations, business travel (commercial air, and rail), employee commuting, the use of sold products, and investments in accordance with the GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) standard. • Starting in 2022, C&W’s total Scope 3 emissions includes Category 15, Investments. • Emission factor sources include, but are not limited to: • Stationary & Mobile Combustion: U.S. EPA Emission Factor Hub, U.K. Government • U.S. Electricity: U.S. EPA eGRID Emission Factors, Green-e Residual Mix, Utility Supplier-Specific Factors • International Electricity: IEA Emission Factors, U.K. Government, AIB European Residual Mix, Utility Supplier-Specific Factors • Purchased Goods and Services & Capital Goods: U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Supply Chain GHG Emission Factors for U.S. Industries and Commodities, Metadata

• Fuel-and Energy-Related Activities: U.S. EPA eGrid, IEA T&D Losses • Waste Generated in Operations: U.S. EPA Emission Factors Hub • Commercial Air & Rail Travel: U.K. Government, U.S. EPA Emission Factors Hub • Employee Commuting: Quantis Scope 3 Calculator.

• Use of Sold Products: U.S. EPA Emission Factors Hub, U.S. EPA eGrid, IEA Emission Factors • 2019 and 2020 inventory adjustments were made to previously reported values to account for methodology improvements to data quality and the removal of Scope 3 Category 13 from the Scope 3 inventory, as we do not consider this category to be relevant.


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