Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019 | Cushman & Wakefield

Material Topics (102-46, 102-47, 102-49, 103-1)

Cushman & Wakefield completed a comprehensive materiality assessment in 2017. In 2019, we updated our materiality assessment to reflect additional topics considered material to clients and investors after becoming a public company. We achieved this by engaging an external consultant; reviewing common Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) questions from clients, as well as other feedback from stakeholder engagement; and benchmarking topics disclosed by our peers. Based on these findings, we added six additional material topics to our 2019 report. Below is the final list of material topics, which was approved by company leadership:




Indirect economic impacts

Greater good measures and initiatives that indirectly benefit the world.

Our business has indirect impacts on the economy and communities in which we work. Our approach has a direct impact on employees within the firm. Our approach has a direct impact on employees within the firm. Our approach has a direct impact on employees within the firm, as well as clients and suppliers. Our approach has a direct impact on employees within the firm. Through our business, we have the potential to directly and indirectly impact the communities in which we work. Through our approach, we have a direct impact on our clients by ensuring ethical practices. How we use resources within our operations directly impacts the environment. Our anti-corruption and ethical business practices directly impact the reputation of our firm within the business community. How we use resources within our operations directly impacts the environment. How we use resources within our operations directly impacts the environment. How we use resources within our operations directly impacts the environment. Our compliance with laws and regulations directly impacts the environment, as well as our business reputation. Our human rights and anti-discrimination policies directly impact our employees and suppliers. Our approach has a direct impact on our employees, clients and the communities in which we work.


Professional opportunities and employee benefits offered by our firm. Investment in our employees’ development and career progression. Initiatives to measure, manage and reduce safety incidents and protect employee health. Opportunities for employees of diverse backgrounds at all levels of our business, especially women. Prevention and mitigation of negative social impacts in the firm’s supply chain. Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from our operations. Business practices that serve to avoid corruption, such as our Global Code of Business Conduct.

Training and education

Occupational health and safety

Diversity and equal opportunity

Local communities Benefits delivered to local communities.

Supplier social assessment

GHG emissions



Energy used in our operations.


Water used in our operations.

Effluents and Waste* Waste resulting from our operations.

Environmental compliance*

Complying with environmental laws and regulations.

Human rights*

Upholding human rights policies and regulations.

Sustainability services*

A commitment to advancing sustainability, human health and wellness in buildings and communities.

*New material topics added in 2019 16 | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2019

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