
Scope of services


Phase 1 : Strategy Overview

• Detailed analysis of your current situation : a thorough review of your lease, rental benchmarking, a comprehensive review of the Capital 8 building, its tenant mix and likely future letting situation, plus a review of the positioning of your new landlord • Analysis of Dechert’s current layout and space requirements. Preparation of a generic ‘space requirements model’ for validation by the Partners, to serve as basis of review of alternative sites • Preliminary analysis of what would be required to handback excess space in Capital 8 to the landlord… or to free up excess space temporarily for sub-letting up to lease expiry • Detailed analysis of the Paris CBD market: both to review prospects for negotiations with the landlord of Capital 8, and to identify credible alternatives • Preparation of a short-list of potential relocation sites with estimation of costs • Elaboration of the principal Strategy Options • Financial analysis and presentation of findings to Dechert


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