03.19 Legal Briefs - LSAG Newsletter

confidentiality were debated long and hard. After many mock-ups and design charrettes, it became clear that the concerns over confidentiality could be appeased by encouraging some basic behavioural modifications. The new design is viewed as a great success in its ability to support concentrative work while at the same time maximizing access to light and views, encouraging connectivity and team work. UK: Eversheds – Ultimate Flexibility In 2010, Eversheds built out new space in London that continues to be viewed as one of the most progressive design models for law firms today globally. The firm wanted maximum flexibility in the new office to ‘future proof’ it and to support various team work styles. The design allowed for reconfigurability and simple on-demand customization. The foundation of the design is defined through a sophisticated set of building blocks – seen as a kit-of- parts – comprised of stackable wall and glass components, technology, and flexible furniture pieces. Wall components can be stacked on to create more privacy or removed to create openness. Furniture

as part of the design process. In the end, they implemented a 100% open plan concept. They provided sit-to-stand workstations for everyone and created a dynamic working environment through the use of organic (nonlinear) type workstations defined by a ‘tree branch-like’ layout. Work station panels undulate, creating pockets of privacy and defining team neighborhoods, hosting a spine of plantings that deliver varying degrees of privacy. Leadership instituted operational systems and technologies to propel processes within the organization towards a ‘paperlite’ and digitally rich environment. Personnel received large scale touch screen tablets for mark up and document review with the capability of these being docked with dual screens at each desk and work area. The technology rich environment enables individuals to be untethered from their workstations and to move about the floors as desired. There is great variety and diversity in workstyles and settings for individuals to choose from. The space was designed to encourage movement. There is a high ratio of quiet spaces for lawyers to move to seamlessly with wireless headsets and laptops. Concerns about

can be reconfigured to allow for variety of uses. The practice floor can go from predominantly open to predominantly closed – and anywhere in between – on an as- needed basis. Practice groups and professional staff can tailor and customize areas to support varying degrees of privacy, transparency, and collaboration. Local to Global to Local Law firms are facing a shift in priorities of incoming classes and pressures upon the profession itself. It is inevitable that more nimble, open, and agile working environments will gain popularity within law firm design. As fixed fees and fee compression are projected to be the driving force behind business competition for the next decade are expected to become increasingly the norm, a speed-to-market mindset will push the practice of law to find ways of working that maximize efficiency, streamline operations, decrease overhead, and to ultimately increase profits. Having workspace that keeps people isolated, detached, and/or disconnected will not support the dynamic teams of lawyers in the future.

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